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Restore a dump


I assume you did the previous guide, and you have your final conf.yaml file

On the last step, we have created and uploaded our transformed dump in our S3 Datastore. Now, we are ready to restore it in a development database.


The database where you restore must be the same type of the source where you dump. If you created a PostgreSQL dump, then you must restore on a PostgreSQL database.

Replibyte provides you two options to restore a dump:

  • Option 1: Locally - which is convenient for local development
    • Example use cases:
      • You develop an app locally and wants to work with real data.
      • You want to inspect what the transformed dump looks like.
  • Option 2: Remote - which is convenient to restore a remote database.
    • Example use cases:
      • You have a dump on your local machine, and you want to restore a database only accessible from a specific network.
      • You have no access to the dumps, only an admin can restore them.

Option 1: Locally

With Docker


Docker must be installed and running

It's the best option to develop locally with a consistent transformed dump coming from your production data. Execute the following command to restore in a local Docker instance the latest dump:

replibyte -c conf.yaml dump restore local -d postgresql -v latest

-d parameter accepts mongodb, mysql and other databases supported by Replibyte.

You can also list the available dumps with:

replibyte -c conf.yaml dump list

type name size when compressed encrypted
PostgreSQL dump-1647706359405 154MB Yesterday at 03:00 am true true
PostgreSQL dump-1647731334517 152MB 2 days ago at 03:00 am true true
PostgreSQL dump-1647734369306 149MB 3 days ago at 03:00 am true true

And restore the dump you want with:

replibyte -c conf.yaml dump restore local -d postgres -v dump-1647731334517

In a file

You might want to inspect what you have in your dump, and restore it manually, you can execute the same restore command but with the -o parameter:

replibyte -c conf.yaml dump restore local -i postgres -v latest -o > dump.sql

Option 2: Remote

To restore on a remote database, you need to specify the destination connection URI in your conf.yaml:

connection_uri: postgres://user:password@host:port/db
# Disable public's schema wipe
# wipe_database: false (default: true)

and run the following command:

replibyte -c conf.yaml dump restore remote -v latest

You know now how to restore your transformed dump via multiple options, and even choose which version you want to restore.

But now, what happen if your database is very large? In the next guide, you will learn how to downscale your database from a large size to a more reasonable one, while keeping it consistent. ➡️